How TNA Plans To Tame Raila and DP Ruto

The Daily HornBill

The enigma of Kenyan Politics- a man who has made news for the last two decades but since his exit media houses are sort of stories…ask David Ohito of the Standard group. Described by many as the father of second liberation in Kenya and modern democracy- Raila Odinga well known by his supporters as Jakom is a political bigwig you can’t sideline in the Kenyan political context.

This man is made of a hard skin; hard to penetrate. His heart is almost metalic,unshakable by cheap talk in the market and pumps blood at the rate no heart can put up with… A cat with nine lives. He has fougth several battles and proved to be a strong captain who is not scared of tides. Those he has lost have come to haunt many…. Baba as ‘They’ call him is a man loved by men and with enemies of equal measure.

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Why CORD nation and ‘Raila-Maniacs’ need to wake up.

The Daily HornBill

kalonzo Abigail Van Buren once said that; If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders.Am compelled to be suspicious of former president Moi… He must have come across this quote maybe while traversing the world, meeting other leaders or even at his study desk and never took it for granted.

He retired from active politics a decade ago but mzee still rules. His impact is still felt and his political blood flowing in the veins of Kenyan politics. He nurtured lots of seedlings; talk of President Uhuru, DP Ruto and Mudavadi to just but list the top notch figures in the Kenyan political arena.

How about ‘Baba’- Raila Odinga? Who is he passing over the mantle to? This man has been in politics for long He got engaged very early in his age. He became the talk of the ‘village’. His parents…

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The Daily HornBill


Those days… the good old days,

Am told it was a taboo, an abomination,

drinking was a reserve for wazees,

Walking to a bar or a drinking den, age was a paramount.

The bottle was meant to pass good time,

Kill boredom after work,

Some used the bottle to seal business deals,

But today, it’s all about who is a guzzler and finding solace.


Christmas… holidays left my mouth agape,

The KIDS…  I mean those who I saw grow,

Not even past post primary education,

Drinking is part of them and it’s a norm.

But what happened?

Sex and alcohol is engulfing us,

I have not heard any constructive debate,

All they care about is sex, alcohol and money.

Talk of parents, they careless,

They carry them along to the pubs,

They send them to get them more bottles,

Who is to blame?


The drinking generation we are making,


View original post 83 more words

What I Meant (Bye Bye My Lover)

What went wrong, I keep wondering.
Was the fault mine?
Was the fault yours?
But you lied to me.

That evening we met at a friend’s place.
We had a chit chat,
We shared laughter and exchanged numbers,
But you lied to me.

The Daily HornBill

I meant no harm, even my conscience couldn’t allow,
I saw a weak and a susceptible heart,
I wanted to safeguard it… yes- from Vultures,
But you lied to me.

What went wrong, I keep wondering.
Was the fault mine?
Was the fault yours?
But you lied to me.

That evening we met at a friend’s place.
We had a chit chat,
We shared laughter and exchanged numbers,
But you lied to me.
We spent together,
Our friends salivated,
In a blink of an eye, We were no more,
But you lied to me.

Whatever went wrong… am not sure,
Is it our friends who corrupted us?
Is it money that broke our trust?
Am still worried!
But you lied to me.

Now… When I see you,
I see a demon in you,
Just because you broke my heart,
In you I see a traitor,a spy and worst of all…

View original post 47 more words