My Exam, My life, My problem!

Exam period always has its ups and downs. we can wish that exams not to exist but exam are everywhere; even interviews are exams. let us all just work hard to pass all kind of challenges that we might come across in our lief time.


by Collines. O.O
As a student, at times do you wish that exams? If yes, then the article below will explain why most students wish for this to happen.
‘Qolloe am held up right now let’s do this tomorrow; I meet a friend and that’s what he tells me when I request for time with him. I get an short message from another friend of mine; ‘…hi Qolloe, I need your help, I need your help! I know you are fluent with online academic writing, I need you to help me with my research project’ and I get alarmed. All of a sudden everyone around seems somehow busy and are held up one way or another…street in campusOoooh!! I forget to mention; the empty streets, hostels, cafeterias and evidently full library and classes even at odd hours of the night. Some of the great scholars once said that to succeed you…

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